
    Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the

    four given choices to construct a coherent paragraph. A. These were mainly bulwarks against winter, the hoarded dregs of more plentiful seasons.B. The first were the earliest mince pies, which saw cooked, shredded meat, dried fruits, alcohol with its preservative qualities and perhaps a few spices or herbs, all encased in large pies.C. The second main pudding was a pottage or soup called frumenty, a fast dish involving cracked wheat, currants and almonds which was ladled out at the start of a meal.D. The pudding seems to have had two principal forerunners.
    A ACBD Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B DBAC Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C CBAD Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D BADC Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The correct sequence is DBAC.D – Introduces the main subject: the pudding and its two principal forerunners.B – Describes the first forerunner (early mince pies).A – Explains the purpose of these early food items (to survive winter).C – Introduces the second forerunner (frumenty, a type of pottage or soup).

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