Since Amit is speaking directly to the person being addressed (me), the pronoun "your" in the original sentence changes to "my" in the reported speech. Furthermore, the present tense "are waiting" in the original sentence changes to the past tense "were waiting" in the reported speech.
How G is related to C?
How many male members are in the family?
How is R related to S’s brother?
How is Z related to W?
How many male members are there in the family?
There are six members, W, Y, R, S, V and T, in a family of three generations. No single person is the parent in the family. S is the only grandson of W,...
Who is the grandmother of M?
Which of the following statements is definitely true?
Which of the following combinations of person is not a married couple?
In a family of six members, W is the daughter of F’s daughter only brother. V is the daughter-in-law of L, who is husband of F. Z is brother of Y, the...