According to the rule of indirect speech •Remove comma and inverted commas. •Put "that" between the reporting and reported speeches.(it is optional to put "that" between the reporting and reported speech) •Change the 1st letter of reported speech into small letter except for "I" This is the most appropriate one.
Indigenous bank शब्द का हिंदी पर्याय निम्नलिखित कौन सा शब्द है ?
Demography का सही पर्याय चुनिये।
दिए गए गद्यांश मे से कौन सा शब्द holistic का पर्याय है ?
PRIME RATE के लिए अंग्रेजी शब्द है –
दिए गए प्रत्येक प्रश्न में एक हिंदी का वाक्य दिया गया ...
pre-emptive का हिंदी विलोम चुनिए।
नीचे हिन्दी के वाक्य दिए गए है उनके सही अंग्रेज़ी अनुव...
The following Hindi sentences are followed by four different ways in which they can be paraphrased in English language. Identify the option wh...
भारमुक्त के लिए लिए सही पारिभाषिक शब्द है
The following Hindi sentences are followed by four different ways in which they can be paraphrased in English language. Identify the sentence...