
    Directions :  In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S₁) and the sixth sentence (S6) are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q, R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark accordingly on the Answer Sheet.

    S1: In the roll call of human history, the sleepy capital town of Madhya Pradesh is indelibly linked with one of the world's worst man-made catastrophes.

    S6: Industries across the globe became less complacent and began tightening their safety protocols.

    P: More than 2,000 died instantly.

    Q: On the night of December 3, 1984, a poisonous grey cloud spread out from the Union Carbide Plant in Bhopal, suffocating more than three lakhs of its unsuspecting residents.

    R: The disaster shook the world, especially when hindsight revealed that almost all safety regulations had been flouted by the plant.

    S: The rest were doomed to wheeze, hobble and gasp their way through life, their organs "eaten up by the deadly combination of gases that leaked out of the plant.

    The correct sequence should be

    A Q-R-S-P Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B S-P-Q-R Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Q-P-S-R Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D S-R-Q-P Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The correct sequence is Q-P-S-R, which is given in option (c). Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer. The second statement after S1 should be Q as S talks about the worst man-made catastrophes and Q talks about what happened there exactly. P should be the following statement after Q as it tells us that what happened after the catastrophe. S should come after P because it tells about the rest of the population who survived. R should follow S as it gives the reason that why the disaster happened.

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