
    Choose the correct combination of grammatically

    incorrect sentences I. Until the time I went to IIM Bangalore for public policy education, that was after 20 years of service, I was also an intuitive decision-maker. II. The advent of GPT-4 upgrades the question for what it can do, to what it augurs. III. After finishing my homework, the TV was turned on and the room was filled with the sounds of people talking and laughing.
    A I and II Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Only II Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C II and III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Only III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E All are incorrect Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    I. Replace THAT with WHICH, since it is an inessential clause. II. Replace FOR with FROM. FROM A TO B is the correct form. III. This is a case of dangling modifier. Here, the phrase After finishing my homework, should modify the person (I), while here it is modifying the TV. Hence it is not the correct structure. After finishing my homework, I turned on the TV and the room was filled with the sounds of people talking and laughing.

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