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Obligatory is something which is mandatory to do it.
A copy of the financial statement, including consolidated financial statement, if any, along with all the documents which are required to be or attached...
The writ of habeas corpus will be issued if___________________
Which of the following is not a “fact” as per The Indian Evidence Act?
Which voluntary certification scheme known as ‘ISI’ mark for processed foods?
Nothing in the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 shall affect the jurisdiction exercisable by, or the procedure applicable to, any court or other autho...
Two or more persons are said to consent_______________
Communication, acceptance and revocation of proposal are deemed to be made by _______________ by which he intends to communicate such proposal, acceptan...
The issue of shares by a company on a discount is prohibited and thus, it shall be ____________
Which of the following is true relating to Red- herring Prospectus?
Which of the following committee made recommendations of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016?