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It is the correct use of a colon. It appropriately introduces a list of choices after a complete sentence.
Which one of the following is a micro-nutrients in plants?
Which among the following weeds causes dropsy disease in human beings:
Poisonous alkaloid in castor seed is
Match the following with correct definition:
i. Monophagous - a) Feeds on a few related species of host plants
ii. Oligophagous - b) Fee...
Which method is most suitable for the plantation of fruit trees in slopy areas?
FRP is announced for which crop
Milk fat in ice cream should not be less then:
Microfilaments are formed of
“Regional Centre of International Rice Research Institute” is recently established in India at:
Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R.
Assertion A: Rejuvenation is an effecti...