
    Directions : In the question below, two sentences with

    one word in each highlighted in bold. From the options, choose the one that can replace the highlighted words in BOTH these sentences to make grammatical and contextual sense. I. The objects put on display in the museum are very old and should be treated with great care. II. Susliks are eaten by the inhabitants of the Russian steppes, who consider their flesh a special treat.
    A strobe Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B delicacy Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C tribulation Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D relay Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E intricacy Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    I: We need a noun to be modified by the adjective GREAT. DELICACY (the quality of being done carefully and gently) will fit here as the sentence tells us how the objects put on display in the museum are very old and should be handled with great care. II: We need a noun to be modified by the adjective SPECIAL. DELICACY (a type of food considered to be very special in a particular place) will fit here as the sentence tells us how susliks are eaten by the people of the Russian steppes who consider their flesh as a special food. Thus, B is the right answer. Strobe - a bright light that flashes rapidly on and off. Tribulation - a cause of great trouble or suffering. Relay - a race in which each member of a team runs, swims, etc. one part of the race. Intricacy - the quality of having many complicated parts or details.

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