Mundane and routine nearly mean the same. While mundane means characterized by practical, transitory, ordinary, and commonplace. While routine means the habitual or mechanical performance of an established procedure
15.8% of 9000 + 20.4% of 7500 = 30% of ?
(1/2) – (3/5) + 3(1/3) = ? + (5/6)
(1225/25) - (192/96) + (50/5) = ?
12 × 6 + 24 – 36 of 5 + 160 = ?
(22 × 52 ) + 4 × 6 = ? - √324
134% of 1250 – 46% of 2120 = 4 × ?
{(522 – 482 ) ÷ (27 + 73)} × 35 = ?% of 17
15848 ÷ 4 – 793 × 6 + 3628 = 3 × ?
345 × 20 ÷ 4 + 28 + 60 = ?
If a nine-digit number 389x6378y is divisible by 72, then the value of √(6x + 7y) will be∶