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The word ‘vanish’ means ‘to disappear or stop being present or existing, especially in a sudden, surprising way.’ Marquee- a covered entrance to a theatre with a sign that shows the names of the movies or play that you can see. Mull- think about (a fact, proposal, or request) deeply and at length. Covet- it is grammatically incorrect here.
King Ajatashatru belonged to which dynasty?
Which of the following is the First bank of India?
Consider the following statements with reference to Zamindars under Mughals:
1. They had the hereditary right of collecting land revenue.
Consider the following statements regarding iqta system:
1. Iqtas were administered by Muqtis.
2. Firoz Shah Tughlaq made it hereditar...
The oldest evidence of agriculture has been found in the Indian subcontinent-
The earliest evidence of the availability of silver in India is found in-
Consider thefollowing:
1. Steatite
2. Bronze
3. Terracotta
Which of the material given above were used for Harappan figures/sculptures?
Consider the following statements with respect to Sittanvasalpaintings:
1. These paintings were patronized by the Pandyas
2. These pai...
The Doctrine of Lapse was devised by
Battle between Alexander and Porus was also known as?