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The word ‘swansong’ means ‘a person's last piece of work, achievement, or performance.’ It is correct here. Spill over- a thing that spreads or has spread into another area. Scupper- a hole in a ship's side to carry water overboard from the deck. Sinew- the parts of a structure, system, or organization that give it strength or bind it together.
A Hindu marriage may be solemnized in accordance with the customary rights of
Which of the following authorities is responsible for organizing Lok Adalats at intervals and places it deems fit?
What constitutes sufficient consideration for a guarantee?
In which case was it held that the plaintiff should provide an undertaking that the defendant can be compensated if the injunction suit is decided in t...
Who amongst the following is not a manufacturer as per Consumer Protection Act, 2019?
The _______________ may appoint any person to be the Director General of Foreign Trade as per section 6 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation...
What is the time period within which a copy of the memorandum articles etc. shall be given by a company on being so requested by a member and subject to...
As per theBharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, what is the punishment for dishonestly or fraudulently concealing or removing property?
Under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, which of the following statement is not correct?
Consider the following statement:
Statements (I): Consideration is necessary to create an agency
Statements (II): No consideration ...