Here, the given action is in the past tense. And the action that is in the blank has already taken place first. So, past perfect tense should be used there.
When is International Labour Day observed?
What is the primary focus of the Atal Pension Yojana (APY)?
प्रसिद्ध वेणेष्वरधाम कहाँ स्थित है -
The union budget levies _____ tax on cryptocurrency assets in India?
From where does the Lower Ganga Canal have its starting point?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन मिसाइल का नाम नहीं है ?
Which country has recently been declared polio free by WHO
From which language is the term 'Manuscript' derived?
By which year is India projected to become the world's third-largest economy according to S&P Global?
It is a special provision in an IPO prospectus, which allows underwriters to sell investors more shares than originally planned by the issuer. This wou...