Tamil Nadu has a rich tradition of candies, which were made without chemical preservatives and contributed in their own ways to better health. Searching for them is a tough task today, since branded chocolates have become the go-to candy treats for kids. These candies used to be common in those tiny petty shops found in rural nooks and crannies across Tamil Nadu. A few of them are making inroads into the big city, through retail stores, even now.
A form of expression of quantity of water required for irrigation to bring a crop maturity is called ______.
Downy mildew or Green ear disease of Sorghum is ______
Katte disease of cardamom is transmitted by which insect?
ITK stands for:
Select correct formula of urea
Bengal famine in 1943 was caused due to which disease?
In onion, smell occurs due to the presence of?
The grape variety "Sonaka" used for which purpose?
Salt is added in the pickle to preserve it for a longer time. Salt in pickle is measured by
Pebrine is a disease of B. mori: