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The sentence follows a contradictory tone that there are chances of better growth ‘but’ there are some dangers or risks also.
According to the Motor Vehicles Act, what is the definition of the term "golden hour"?
Who shall appoint employees of SAT?
Under the Hindu Succession Act,1956 who amongst the following is not a class I heir?
All agreements are not contract if it is________________
Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
Article 18 of Constitution of India is related to
What is the maximum amount of interim compensation that can be granted by the Court under Negotiable Instruments Act?
Which of the following terms is related to “friend of the court”?
Which of the following is the most appropriate option?
1. Judicial decisions are not a source of International Law
2. Juristic...
According to Section 36(2) of the Code on Wages, 2019, what happens if there is no available surplus for a particular accounting year?