correct article “The” should be placed in the first blank, and in the second blank correct determiner “Their” should be placed.
How N is related to O?
‘ A + B ’ means ‘A is the sister of B’
‘ A = B ’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’
‘ A # B ’ means ‘A is the son o...
How H related to L?
If G is the son of H, H and I are sisters, K, is the mother of I, J is the son of K, then which of the following statements is correct?
How many female persons are there in the family?
How is S related to Z?
L is mother of E, who is sister of K. H is father of I. F is wife of H. K is son of I. How many children does I have?
V is the father of T, who is the grandson of G. S is the only daughter of G. G has only two children and only one of them is married. O is the mother-in...
How is V related to P?
If M is married to P, then how is S related to M?