creep in/into something. to start to happen or affect something.
The Krishna Raja Sagar Dam is constructed on which river?
Which of the following statements is correct
A. Only equity instruments are traded in secondary market
B. Only institutions can sell ...
On which of the following river ‘Hirakud Dam’ is built upon?
The Reserve Bank had announced the constitution of an Expert Committee to make recommendations on the required financial parameters to be facto...
Nissan automobile has been embroiled in a legal battle with a state government in India over the issue of incentive to be paid. The state Government is ...
What percentage of wildlife population decline did the Living Planet Report 2024 by WWF reveal for freshwater ecosystems from 1970-2020?
In Monaco, which of the following organizations is being headquartered?
Which rating agency as majority shareholding of Moody’s –
Standard and Poor’s rating for India is now BBB-
Which organization committed $1.6 billion for Phase-I development of Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh's capital city?