The phrase "moved by " is used to describe the emotional impact the heartfelt speech had on the person. It means that the speech stirred strong emotions within her, leaving her deeply affected or touched.
Bicolor variety of brinjal is:
Which branch of agriculture deals with principles and practices of soil, water and crop management?
The State having the highest area under fruits
Which of the following is not the sub-function of buying?
Stomata are regulated by:
Which of the following is a weakest bond.
Given below are two statements
Statement I: Use efficiency of fertilizer NPK can be improved by following integrated nutrient management (I...
KRITAGYA -A National level Hackathon, organized by ICAR with NAHEP and Crop Science division is majorly focused on____.
A group of commercial crops of perennial nature, cultivated extensively in tropical and subtropical situations which need employment of labour through o...
Given below are two statements
Statement I: During transpiration process most of the water loss occurs through stomata.