
    Fill in the blanks with the appropriate antonym of the word highlighted.

    One important fact that many have ______was noticed by her. 

    A overlooked Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B detected Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C marked Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D commented Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Explanation: Overlooked (highlighted word): In this context, "overlooked" means to fail to notice or consider something, to miss or neglect.   Options:   (a) Overlooked: This is the correct word, as it conveys the idea that many have failed to notice the important fact. (b) Detected: This means to discover or notice, but it does not necessarily imply that something was previously missed. (c) Marked: This does not fit the context of the sentence. "Marked" usually means to highlight or indicate, not to overlook. (d) Commented: This means to express an opinion or remark on something but does not convey the idea of not noticing something important.

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