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The idiom "bite the bullet" means to endure something painful or unpleasant with courage.
As per 3rd Advance estimate of area and production of Horticultural crops for year 2021-22, the total horticultural production in India is ____ million ...
The 15% more trees could be accommodated in the ?
What is Gross National Product (GNP)?
Wetlands are vital ecosystems which sustain biological diversity. The government will promote their unique conservation values through………………...
Dead spots on the leaf surface, not on the leaf margins is a deficiency symptom of:
Enzyme bromelain is present in which fruit:
In which type of tillage 15-30% residue left on the soil surface?
Which of the following is the relation that the law of demand defines?
Triose phosphate is formed in the reduction step of
Which of the following assets, the insurance cannot be covered?