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The correct sentence is “The tone of her voice seemed to imply that she knew more than he was letting on.”
What is the Rank of India in the Global Gender Gap Report 2022?
What should be the maximum income of a person for availing the benefit of PM Shram Man dhan Yojana?
As on April 2023, how many unorganised workers have been registered on e-Shram Portal?
FASTag is implemented by Indian Highways Management Company Limited (IHMCL) & _____________________.
Consider the following statements about Gender budgeting:
I. Ministry of Women and Child Development is the nodal agency to implement strategy of...
Which of the following Statements about Multiplier Effect is/are True?
I- When the government spends a rupee, overall income rises by a multiple ...
Who chairs the Regional Councils formed by NITI Aayog to address specific regional issues?
Which of the following Statement about the SMILE Scheme is True?
Consider the following statements about the PM SVANidhi Scheme:
1. The scheme supports both urban and rural street vendors.
...India participated in the ITU’s WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event and ‘AI for Good’ Global Summit from 27 to 31 May 2024. Which organization(s) co-h...