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Sentence 1 is relevant to ice loss but focuses on summer storms rather than the minimum extent. Sentence 3 provides historical context about wind effects on ice but does not relate to the current year’s ice extent. Sentence 4 discusses agricultural forecasts, which are unrelated to Arctic sea ice. Sentence 2 directly discusses this year's minimum extent, making it highly relevant and coherent with the paragraph. Thus, only sentence 2 is the best choice to fill the blank.
If {p2 + (2p2/5)} = 14p , p ≠ 0, then find the value of {p2 + (10/p) - 1}.
Find the largest 5-digit number that is divisible by 18, 24, and 36.
How many 3-digit numbers are completely divisible by 5?
What is the unit digit of (217)413 × (819)547 × (414)624 × (342)812?
Determine the total no of odd factors of the number 4200.
Albela Sells Chocolates in the packs of 6 chocolates, 12 chocolates, 18 chocolates and 24 chocolates etc, but the rate is necessarily uniform. One day ...
How many times I write digit ‘1’ in first hundred natural numbers?
In a group of three numbers first is double of second and half of third. The average of three numbers is 42. Find the difference between the first numbe...
How many digits are required to write first 500 natural numbers?