The sentence seeks to convey that an educated society is peaceful and there is less chance that people will use violence to get their voice heard. For the first blank, we need an adjective to modify the noun SOCIETY and it should be parallel to the adjective PEACEFUL. PROSPEROUS () fits contextually PRECARIOUS (dangerously likely to fall or collapse) does not fit contextually and PRINCIPLE (morally correct behaviour and attitudes) is a noun. For the second blank, we need a verb/phrasal verb. TAKE UP fits contextually. If one group or country takes up arms against another, they prepare to attack and fight them. TAKE DOWN means to separate a large structure into pieces. TAKE IN means to include something. Thus, (a) is the right answer.
"धर्मार्थ" का संधि विच्छेद क्या होगा?
कोई कार्मिक अहमदाबाद स्थित केंद्र सरकार के किसी कार्यालय...
अब भले आदमी से ...पड़ा है।
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