The sentence talks about dissent being a casualty when democracy is framed as majority rule. The phrase "in order to" is used to indicate purpose or intention. It suggests that the action of perpetuating the myth of majoritarianism happens for a reason or purpose, i.e., "in order to" perpetuate the myth of majoritarianism. Resembling does not fit as it implies similarity, which doesn't make sense in this context. Like to is grammatically incorrect in this context. Either to doesn’t align with the intended meaning of purpose in the sentence.
The foliar cover at the top layer of the crop plants is referred as:
The yellowing of older leaves at the base of a plant typically indicates a deficiency of which nutrient?
What is the diameter of disc blades in Tractor drawn standard disc plough?
Which of the following is not correct about zero tillage?
Entomology is the science which deals with ___
Under a single cropping pattern, it is normally recommended to consider __hp of tractor for every___ hectares of land.
Proboscis in the mouthparts of the butterfly is formed from ____
Which chemical is used in seed treatment to protect maize seeds from shoot fly?
Sand percentage in sandy soil is ___
Father of zero tillage is