
    In the question below, a sentence is given with two

    blanks to be filled in with appropriate words. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four. In the case that none of the options fit in the sentence, choose 'None of the above'. A newly discovered object is the most-distant body ever _______ in the solar system - and the first object ever found orbiting at more than 100 times the _______ from Earth to the sun.
    A Notice, beautiful Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Perceiving, distant Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Found, distant Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Observed, distance Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of the above Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    A verb in its past participle form is required in the first blank; eliminating A and B. 'Distant' means far away in space or time and it is an adjective, but a noun is needed in the second blank; eliminating C. 'Distance' is the correct fit. The sentence tells us that A most distant object in the solar system was recently observed. Thus, D is the correct answer.

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