
    In the question below, a sentence is given with two

    blanks to be filled in with appropriate words. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four. In the case that none of the options fit in the sentence, choose 'None of the above'. Health and Kinesiology is the _______ unit in the College of Health and Human Sciences and graduates from the department are in _______ demand.
    A Worst, Highest Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Smallest, Dire Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Largest, Petty Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Largest, High Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Smallest, Very Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    All the options other than (d) are not fitting in the context of the sentence: Graduates from the 'largest' unit or department have 'high' demand. Option a) uses the superlative degree 'highest' for the second blank, so it implies that the article 'the' should precede it; here, this is not the case, hence option a) is eliminated. Options b), c) and e) are eliminated as they are contextually incorrect. Hence, the answer is option d).

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