'A slap on the wrist' indicates an unexpectedly less severe punishment.
Which of the following Venn diagrams best represents the relationship between stars, planets and universe ?
PRO 5' is related to 'OSQ 15' in a certain way. In the same way, 'OPO 10' is related to 'NQQ 30'. Which of the following is related to 'MAC 9' using the...
In a certain code language, 'RELATIONS is written as 'TSRONLIEA', and 'NUMBER' is written as 'URNMEB'.
How will 'SPECULATION' be written in that language?
There are six persons, A, B, C, D, E and F. A, B, C and F are male and other two are female. The height of A is 5.2 feet, B is 5.7 feet, C is 5.9 feet, ...
Which option represents the correct order of the given words as they would appear in the English dictionary?
1. Sailboat
2. Saint
Select the option that most closely resembles the image formed in the mirror of the given combination.
Which of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?
55, 68, 82, ?, 113, 130
If A denotes ‘+’, B denotes ‘×’, C denotes ‘−’, and D denotes ‘÷’, then what will be the value of the following equation?
21 ...
Read the given statement and conclusions carefully. Decide which of the given conclusions is/are definitely true from the statement.
Statement: M...