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The idiom "take a plunge" means to make a bold decision or take a risky step. (A) take a plunge: To make a bold decision or take a risky step. (B) let sleeping dogs lie: Avoid bringing up a past issue or stirring up trouble that has already settled. (C) kill two birds with one stone: Achieve two objectives or complete two tasks with a single action. (D) beat around the bush: Avoiding direct communication or not getting to the point.
(2 ÷ 3) × (4 ÷ 12) × (? ÷ 10) × 45 × (1 ÷ 5) = (? ÷ 6) + (2 ÷ 5)
10 × 100 ÷ 5 + 9 = ?
(32.1)² + (46.8)² - (28.8)² =? + 2257.97
10% of 80% of 50% of ? = 4
72 × 2 = ? + 104 – 14
672 ÷ 28 × 24 + 363 – 309 =?
31% of 1900 - ? = 73
13/3 – (23/6) = ? – (22/9)
(12 × 48 ÷ 6) ÷ 2 + ? = 106