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The phrase "the heel of Achilles" refers to a person's vulnerable or weak point. (A) the heel of Achilles: A person's vulnerable or weak point. (B) above all: Most importantly; a phrase used to emphasize a crucial point. (C) a shot in the dark: A guess or attempt that is not based on knowledge or a high chance of success. (D) a blue stocking: An intellectual or literary woman. (E) a Fidus Achates: A loyal and trusted friend.
deputation of officers on short term contract— का हिन्दी अनुवाद है ?
It is imperative that we complement these efforts as responsible citizens.
निम्नलिखित में से delivery का पर्याय कौन सा शब्द नहीं है ?
...स्वीकारोक्ति दबाव में ली गई थी।
राजधानी मे लगातार 24 घंटे हुई बारिश से आम जनजीवन बुरी तरह प्...
कितनी भी बड़ी राशि का भुगतान या स्थानांतरण चैक, बैंक ड्राफ्...
Formal job creation surged to 1.5 Lakhs.
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