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Cut corners: This phrase means to take the easiest or simplest way to achieve something, even if it means sacrificing quality or standards. Take shortcuts: This phrase also means to avoid the difficult or time-consuming parts of a task, which is similar to cutting corners.
Alkaline soils contain more of:
Rate of growth per unit of dry matter is indicated by
Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.
1, 10, 30, 68, ?
What is the minimum age eligibility criteria to be nominated for Nari Shakti Purskar
Young female of buffalo is called
What is the function of piston rings in an internal combustion engine?
Genetically the purest seed stock is
Which of the following agroforestry system is a combination of Agri-silviculture and Silvi- pasture where the land is managed for the concurrent product...
Among the following soil types, which one demonstrates the highest infiltration rate, indicating the soil's ability to allow water to permeate easily?
Cyclamate is how many times sweeter than sucrose