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The idiom "neck and neck" is used to describe a situation where two competitors are very close to each other in terms of performance or progress, often in a race or competition.
If all the letters in the word ‘SWEATSHIRT’ are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right such that the vowels are arranged first foll...
Statements: Some winters are summers.
All summers are springs.
All springs are seasons.
Some Draft is Inbox.
All Inbox is Outbox.
All Mail is Outbox.
I. Some Mail being Draft is a ...
Conclusions:Some Circles are Triangles. Some Squares being Circles is a possibility. All Triangles are Circles.
Statements: Some earth are moon.
Some moon are sun.
Conclusions: I. Some earth are sun.
Some villages are towns.
Some towns are huts.
All huts are rivers.
Some rivers are tents.
No cat is dog.
Only a few cats are goats.
Some goats are not rats.
I. Some goats are rats.
II. No rat is cat.
Statements: All TVs are laptops.
Some laptops are computers.
All computers are keyboards.
Conclusions: I. Some TVs may be compute...
Statements : All covers are chairs
No chair is a table.
Some Gold are Silver
All Silver are Bronze
Some Bronze are Copper
I. Some Bronze ...