The correct answer is A
The concept of "employee empowerment" is a central tenet of HRD philosophy. It involves delegating authority and responsibility to employees, enabling t...
For more than three years (unsecured) doubtful advances, provision will be made for
What was the purpose of the 'Climate Strategy 2030' unveiled by NABARD on Earth Day 2024?
Which of the following is a key determinant of operating leverage?
The Basel III capital regulations were implemented in India with effect from _________ and have been fully implemented as on____________.
A setup in which group of individuals or entities decides to pool resources towards fulfilling a debt or financing a single borrower wherein the setup i...
What significant role has BSE Limited been recognized for by SEBI in a recent circular, and what are its responsibilities under this recognition?
Which of the following statements about the primary market is correct?
1. It is a market for trading existing securities.
As per the recently published discussion paper on Introduction of Expected Credit Loss Framework for Provisioning by Banks, on the basis of credit risk ...
Which ethical theory challenges traditional principles and emphasizes caring relationships?