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Sentence A - Due to a lack of new features, Can match with a concluding independent clause only as there is a “comma” at the end. D, E and F are dependent clauses. Hence, there is no correct pair. Sentence B - Samsung, the world's biggest seller of smartphones Can match with a dependent clause only adding something more about Samsung. D is incorrect as we say that Samsung is a leader and D talks of “following the leader” and thus is meaningfully incorrect. E will be grammatically incomplete – Samsung, wooing customers for now,_____. (We need another clause to complete). F is incorrect as it refers to Samsung as a “device”. Hence, there is no correct pair. Sentence C - China's Huawei, the world's second biggest smartphone seller, Can match with a dependent clause only adding something more about Huawei. D is correct as we say that Samsung is a leader and D talks of “following the leader” and thus is meaningfully correct. E will be grammatically incomplete – Huawei, wooing customers for now,_____. (We need another clause to complete). F is incorrect as it refers to Huawei as a “device”. Hence, C-D is the correct pair.
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