
    In the following question, a sentence is divided in to

    three parts, given in column 1, 2 and 3. Match the statements from column 1 with those in column 2 and 3 and find which of the following triplets given in the options make contextually and grammatically correct sense.
    A CEI Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B BDG Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C AFH Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D AEG & CDH Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E BEH & CFG Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The correctly matched triplets are AEG, BFI and CDH. AEG: A Introduces the 'Cretaceous Period' and begins to mention its time span. This is carried forward in E, '145 million years ago and ended 66 million years ago'. G adds additional information to this and says that the earth took about 23.5 hours to complete a rotation during that time. BFI: B introduces Bill Gates and adds that he 'dropped out of college'. F carries it forward; adds that he moved to Albuquerque. F also says he 'set up' something. I concludes this idea and states that he set up 'Microsoft'. CDH: C introduces the notion that countries like 'China or South Korea or Singapore may be unfree'. D carries it forward and introduces a contrast that these countries 'enforce urgent medical needs'. H concludes this by stating that they base their actions on 'science' and the fact that the 'disciplined population' agrees. Amongst these, only AEG and CDH are mentioned in the given options. The other triplets are incorrectly matched. Hence, d) is the correct answer.

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