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A goes with F: The statement "Their banter was filled with good-natured humour" suggests a pleasant and friendly interaction. This aligns with the idea of enduring friendship. This pair suggests that their friendly interaction reflected an enduring friendship. The complete sentence is: Their banter was filled with good-natured humour, reflecting a deep and enduring friendship. B goes with D: "Despite the tense situation, he lightened the mood" directly aligns with "with a dash of humour, easing everyone's nerves." This pair implies that in a tense scenario, the introduction of humour helped alleviate the tension and create a more relaxed atmosphere. The complete sentence is: Despite the tense situation, he lightened the mood with a dash of humour, easing everyone's nerves. Statement C doesn't have a clear match with the options provided in Column 2. This statement talks about the serenity of the mountain peak which offered something. This statement is incomplete and no statement in column 2 completes this statement. Similarly, statement E does not relate to any statement in column 1. Hence, (e) is the correct answer.
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