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A-E – The clause "implement it on an annual basis by providing for it in their annual budgets" in E logically follows A, explaining how cities should act after preparing a climate action plan (CAP). The sentence highlights the importance of proper implementation and budget allocation. "Every city must be mandated to prepare a climate action plan (CAP) and implement it on an annual basis by providing for it in their annual budgets." B-F – The phrase "the world warms up and temperatures keep rising" in F completes B by providing a reason for the Arctic being severely affected by climate change. The sentence explains the link between global warming and its impact on the Arctic. "The Arctic has been hit by climate change as the world warms up and temperatures keep rising." C-D – The clause "which is vital for the survival of all living organisms" in D fits logically with C, emphasizing the importance of the water cycle for sustaining life. "The water cycle ensures the continuous availability of fresh water, which is vital for the survival of all living organisms." Hence, the correct answer is option D.
Abode of Unicorns, a memorial for rhinos using burnt ashes of them took six months to complete it has been constructed in the state?
Who has been selected for the Hans von Hentig Award for their contributions to victimology?
Who is appointed as the Managing Director and CEO of Indian Overseas Bank which will come into effect from 1st January 2023?
Who has been appointed as the new Chairman of Khadi Village Industries Commission?
Intensive Dairy Development was started in which year in Uttar Pradesh?
Recently who has become the President of Indian Olympic Association (IOA)?
When is International Dog Day celebrated across the globe?
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, which of these words has been declared as the word of the year for 2022?
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