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A (The new policy introduced by the government) + D (aims to reduce unemployment and boost economic growth) logically connects to describe the objective of the policy. G (which will be crucial for the country's long-term development) follows naturally as the impact of the policy.
Which formatting feature in MS Word 365, is used to emphasise text by making it bold, italic or underlined in documents?
In Microsoft Excel, what does the "$" symbol represent when used in cell referencing?
To make the selected text bold, the shortcut key is ____
Which of the following is not an example of Operating System?
What is the purpose of the keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl + Left Bracket ([)’ in MS Word 365?
Which of the following is the shortcut key for paste?
Full form of FORTRAN?
Which out of the following is the correct file extension of an Excel file?
What does the AVERAGEIF function do in Excel?
The default file extension of MS-Excel is