
    Directions (16-20): Below in each questions some sentences are given, find the sentence which is not really contributing to the main theme of the passage or find the odd sentence out and rearrange the remaining sentences to make a coherent paragraph. If the given sentence is correct as it is then choose option (5). If the sequence is the one which is not given then choose option (4) as your choice.

    The governor is correct when he says that no regulator

    can occupy every nook and cranny (A) / It could not take legal action (B) / in the case of SWIFT messages bypassing the Core Banking System (CBS). (C) / The RBI had asked the banks, more than once, to take corrective action (D) / Indian judiciary must work on fast-track system (E).
    A ABCE Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B BAEC Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C DCBA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D None of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No Correction Required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    DCBA Statement E is out of context, talking about Indian judiciary, whereas, the other lines are talking about RBI and its regulation.   INTRODUCTION OF THE SUBJECT- RBI (D) The RBI had asked the banks, more than once, to take corrective action  WHERE WAS THE ACTION TO BE TAKEN? (C) in the case of SWIFT messages bypassing the Core Banking System (CBS). FURTHER PROCEEDINGS (B) It could not take legal action ANALYSIS ON THE BASIS OF THE INCIDENTS (A)The governor is correct when he says that no regulator can occupy every nook and cranny.

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