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The word ‘flaunt’ means ‘to show or make obvious something you are proud of in order to get admiration’. The phrase ‘show off’ means ‘to behave in a way that is intended to attract attention or admiration, and that other people often find annoying’ It can replace the underlined word. Take after- to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character. Work out- to understand something or to find the answer to something by thinking about it. Make up- to invent something, such as an excuse or a story, often in order to deceive.
`2(1/3)` + `4(1/4)` + `4(2/3)` + `8(7/6)` + ? = `4(3/5)xx4(1/2)`
...82% of 400 + √(?) = 130% of 600 - 85% of 400
Find the Value of 1/8 + 999 (71/72) × 9
20 ×33 + 12 × 23 - 40 ÷ 15-1 + ? = 50
√(82 × 7 × 52 - 175) = ?
(30 × 0.80)⁴ ÷ (2160 ÷ 60)⁴ × (54 × 16)⁴ = (6 × 4)?+5
23% of 8040+ 42% of 545 = ?%of 3000
150% of ? + 280 ÷ 35 = 132 - 122 + 7
9/5 × 18/25 ÷ 42/21 = ? - 82/75