A – hold on to Bringing about
How many laptops are cheaper than B?
W is taller than K who is shorter than U. O is taller than D but shorter than K. U is shorter than W. Who is the tallest?
H is taller than I. J is taller than K but shorter than L. I is shorter than K and K is taller than H. Who is the tallest person?
Which of the following student is second tallest student?
There are five persons D, E, F, G and H of different age. F is older than only three persons. D is older than E but younger than F. H is older than G. G...
E, F, G, H and I are five sisters. G is younger than only two sisters. F is older than E but younger than G. I is not the oldest. Who is the oldest?
Six players T, U, V, W, X, and Y scored different runs in a cricket match. W scored more than Y and T. Three players scored more than X, who scored just...
If Q scores 82 marks than what may be the score of S?
How many chocolates does Sanjay possibly have?
What could be the possible height of R?