
    Fresh restrictions in some parts of India and /other

    countries around the world are also /worrisome as these could significantly effect /the sustainability of global economic growth.
    A Fresh restrictions in some parts of India and Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B other countries around the world are also Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C worrisome as these could significantly effect Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D the sustainability of global economic growth Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No error Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Fresh restrictions in some parts of India and other countries around the world are also worrisome as it could significantly affect the sustainability of global economic growth. The term ‘affect’ is most commonly used as a verb which means “to influence” or “to change” while the word ‘effect’ is primarily used as a noun and means “consequence”, “aftermath”, “result of an action” or “reaction”. The sentence is highlighting the possible influence of fresh restrictions on the sustainability of global economic growth.

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