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In the passage, it is stated that “But Apsara said that she would not marry the Sun God, as his heat would be unbearable for her.”
Which of the following has acquired Ed-tech platform White Hat Jr?
Which of the following is/are one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals?
(A) Zero Hunger
(B) Climate Action
Rengma is primarily a folk dance of ______.
In potatoes, black heart is caused by:
Planet that rotates clockwise:
Krishna River flows in which state/states of India?
What was the rank of India in World Press Freedom Index 2018?
What will be the speed of petaFLOP Super computer that India is going to launch to enhance weather forcast at block level?
Which of the following themes have not been identified for tourism under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0?
‘Myopia’ is also known as: