It is, of course, debatable whether the Act, with the disbursal mechanism through national and State funds that it mandates, is a sound remedy for loss of rich forests that continues to occur because of developmental and biotic pressures.
In historical texts, who were the 'Samantas'?
Which dynasty is credited with the construction of the Kailasa Temple at the Ellora Caves?
Consider the following pairs: Pottery Period
1. Painted grey ware : Rigvedic period
2. Ochre colored pottery : Harappan period
Who established the Famine Commission in 1900?
The ancient Indian legal document Manusmriti was written in which language?
The First Europeans arrived in India were :
Which among the following statements is not correct regarding Swadesh Bandhab Samiti?
With reference to ‘'Gurbani’', consider the following statements:
1. It is a collection of hymns of only Sikh Gurus.
2. It was finally...
With respect to the script and writing of the Harappan civilization, which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. The Harappan script is ...
The Famous Sun Temple at Konark (Odisha) is built in which Dynasty of Ancient India?