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According to the author, shifting more of the city’s travel to comfortable public transport can cut fine particulates in congested areas and improve the air for residents.
Species least suitable for agroforestry system in dry land is
Availability of Phosphorus is seen maximum at a pH of ____________________
Late blight and early blight of tomato is caused by which organism?
The root growth is drastically reduced when Oxygen Diffusion Rate (ODR) is decreases to about
Which centre has been declared as Global centre for Excellence on Millets/Shree Anna?
Flowering in sugarcane is called ___________.
What is the name of the first agricultural index launched by NITI Aayog on October 31, 2016?
The Demand goods which are related to the demand for other goods are called
Which of the following weed is total root parasite?
Ozone depletion is caused by