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“ Prodded by an unrelenting Supreme Court Bench, Assam met its December 31 deadline for publication of the first draft of the updated National Register of Citizens.” A is not true as the draft is made not the final count. “It is to the government’s credit that its repeated clarifications that missing out on the list is no reason to panic kept people’s anxieties in check.” B is true. “The promise of detection and expulsion of aliens has propelled two parties to power 31 years apart, the Asom Gana Parishad in 1985 and the Bharatiya Janata Party in 2016.” C is not definitely true as parties have been winning elections on the agenda of detecting and expelling the foreigners thus, people are definitely not in support of them.
Which among the following insect causes damage inside the stem
Hard, thorny structures which protect the buds of woody plants during winter, are termed as:
In general, Formative stage of sugarcane crop occurs after:
Which one of the following is not the limitation for wide scale adoption of sprinkler method of irrigation?
Polyembryony is a phenomenon where multiple embryos develop from a single fertilized egg. This phenomenon is observed in
Rooting of shoot, stems or branches while they are still attached to the parents is called a___.
What is the major use of Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL)?
Auxin is:
Which of the following amino acid are essential for synthesis of visual screening pigment?
Which of the following is/are aquatic weeds?