Revitalize means to give or encourage for a new life.
If ‘@’ denotes ‘addition’, ‘%’ denotes ‘multiplication’, ‘&’ denotes ‘subtraction’ and ‘#’ denotes ‘division’, then what...
If 'A' means '×', 'B' means '÷', 'C' means '+', and 'D' means '-', then what will come in the place of '?' in the given expression?
180 A 5 ...
After interchanging the given two signs, what will be the value of the given equation? + and ÷
144 ÷ 12 + 36 × 3 - 18
What will be the value of expression if the numbers/digits ‘(42)’ and ‘(16)’ are interchanged?
16 - 32 ÷ 8 × 12 + 11 + 42
...If A denote ÷, B denotes x, C denotes + and D denotes -, what is the value of the given expression?
32 B 40 A 8 C 10 D 12
Monthly income of A is Rs. 6000 and he saves 25% of his monthly income. If monthly expenditure of A is decreased by 35% while his monthly savings is inc...
Which sequence of mathematical symbols among given sequences must be inserted in place of the (?) in order to obtain the desired result?
(250 ? 7...
Select the correct sequence of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace the ‘#’ signs and balance the given equation.
56 # 8 # 4 # 32...
If 65 + 54 = 2, 71 + 62 = 10, then 73 + 83 = ?
In an imaginary mathematical system, symbol '–' stands for addition, symbol '+' stands for division, symbol '×' stands for subtraction, and symbol '...