This is passage is giving information about poverty and their effect . So the tone of passage is informative.
20.05% of 450.05 – 15.15% of 119.99 × 4.02 = ?
Find the difference of day had the highest number of books and that of lowest number of books sold?
139.88% of 119.89 + 1451.89 ÷ 6.01 - √196.01 = ? ÷ 3.01 + 215.98
(27.08)2 – (14.89)2 – (22.17)2 = ?
509.85 ÷ 15.05 + 210.16 – 18.06 × 5.95 = ?
(11.99)2 + 171.16 + (3.33) 2 = ?2
(16.16 × 31.98) + 14.15% of 249.99 = ? + 99.34
{44.78% of (11.67 × 54.78)} ÷ 2.65 = ? + 19.25
6940 ÷ 28 ÷ 7 =?