I. Before British colonization in the late 18th century, villagers owned the village tank cascade systems.: This statement is not true according to the passage as it was farmers who owned the village tank cascade system and not villagers. II. Following independence from British rule in 1948, new government institutions, such as the Department of Agrarian Development, and farmer organizations assumed responsibility for the management of tank systems.: This statement is true according to the passage. III. In the year 2015, Tank Cascades received acknowledgment from UNESCO and FAO, designating them as a Globally Significant Agricultural Heritage System.: This statement is not true according to the passage, as the passage mentions recognition in 2017, not 2015.
Which of the following is used to process data?
Which topologies have two or more Combination
Computers process data into information by working exclusively with :
What does RAM stand for?
Total number of function keys in computer keyboard?
Which of the following is not a secondary storage device?
Which of the folloiwng is program group?
Which of the following is not true about RAM?
Which among the following is a part of system software?
Which of the following is Math and trigonometric functions available in MS-Excel 365?