"Saturated" refers to markets that are fully occupied or filled. The opposite would be "scarce," indicating areas with fewer audiences or less engagement.
If J has 25 balls and N has 9 balls more than J, then what cannot be the possible number of balls O has?
Who is the second heaviest person?
P, Q, R, S and T are working in a firm each earning a different amount. Q earns more than S, who is not the least earner. R earns less than only P but m...
Which of the following student is second tallest student?
If the box S has 32 shirts, then what will be the possible number of shirts of P?
Who is the shortest?
How many laptops are cheaper than B?
E, F, G, H and I are five sisters. G is younger than only two persons. F is older than E but younger than G. I is not the oldest. Who is the oldest?
What is the weight of T?
A, B, C, D and E are working in a firm each earning a different amount. B earns more than D, who is not the least earner. C earns less than only A but m...