Recently, India hosted the United Nations Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee's (UNSC-CTC) meeting which was attended by representatives of all 15 UNSC members. It was established by Security Council resolution 1373 which was adopted unanimously on 28th September 2001 in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks in the US. The Committee comprises all 15 Security Council members. It has 5 permanent and 10 non-permanent members.
Statements:Some mugs are soaps.
Some soaps are taps.
Conclusions:I. Some taps are mugs.
II. No mugs is tap.
Only a few A is B
No B is C
Only a few C is D
Some D is E
I). No A is C
A few gifts are surprises.
Every surprise is cake.
None of the cakes are balloons.
I. A few ...
In the questions given below there are three statements followed by three conclusions I, II and III. You have to take the three given statements to be ...
Statements: All books are pages.
Some notes are books.
All assignments are notes.
. Conclusions: I. At least some pages are not b...
I) All monday are Sunday
II) No sunday is tuesday
III) Some tuesday are thursday
IV) Some thursday are Frid...
Only a few P are Q
Only a few Q are P
I. All Q bei...
In the question below three statements are given followed by two conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be ...
Some river is sea.
Only sea is ocean.
I. All ocean can be river.
II. All sea can be river.
Only books are staplers.
All pencils are books.
All pencils are glasses.
No glass is a jug.