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Correct sequence: The Sixth Schedule contains special provisions for the administration of tribal areas in the four north-eastern states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.
A man deposited Rs. 16000 at 10% compound interest, compounded annually while Rs. 14000 at 13% simple interest per annum. What will be the difference be...
A farmer wants to divide Rs 1,22,000 between his sons , who are 18 and 20 years old respectively, in such a way that the sum divided at the rate of 20% ...
Rs. (y-1500) was invested in scheme J on (R-1)% per annum on compound interest. Rs. ‘y’ was invested in scheme K on (R+1)% per annum on simple inter...
Rs.7800 is divided into two parts such that if one part be invested at 3% and the other at 5%, the annual interest from both the investments is Rs. 320....
A laptop charger is sold for Rs.2,540 in cash or for a down payment of Rs.1,340 in cash together with Rs.1,205 to be paid after one month. Find the rate...
The compound interest on a certain amount for 2 years at 4% per annum is ₹ 1,428 if interest is compounded annually. Find the simple interest on that ...
A certain amount earns simple interest of Rs. 1840 after 5 years. Had the interest been 4% more, how much more interest would it have earned?
Aman spends 30% of his income, monthly income, on fuel. 40% in basic needs and 20% of the remaining in education. He saves the rest of them all in a rec...
Dinesh invested Rs. (P-500) at the rate of 27% per annum on simple interest and at the end of three years, he got Rs. 4860 as an interest. Pankaj invest...
Rahul placed Rs. 40,000 between two investment options, ‘E’ and ‘F’, for 6 years and 3 years, respectively. Option ‘E’ accrues simple intere...